Pricelist IVF/ICSI treatment
The pricelist on our website is at all times the one valid
1 stimulation – 1 egg retrieval – 1 embryo transfer - 1 year of storage
FREE preliminary consultation
FREE mandatory blood tests
FREE freezing and first year of storage of surplus blastocysts
IVF DKK 25,000,-
ICSI DKK 28,500,-
Later use of eventual frozen blastocyst (-s) is/are not incl. in a single treatment
The agreement offers up to 3 complete treatments* or a total of 5 embryo transfers.
(* a completed treatment is a treatment where there are oocytes at the egg retrieval)
FREE fresh or frozen embryo transfers, to a total of 5
FREE preliminary consultation
FREE mandatory blood tests
FREE freezing and first year of storage of surplus blastocysts
If pregnancy occurs and completed with a live birth, no further treatment will be given regardless of completed treatments.
For WOMEN up to and incl. 35 years.
IVF-treatment DKK 45,500,-
For WOMEN between 36-39 years (both incl.)
IVF-treatment DKK 48,500,-
For WOMEN from 40 years up to and incl. 43 years
IVF-treatment DKK 53,500,-
Additional Costs:
ICSI (per cycle) - DKK 3,500
TESE (per cycle) - DKK 5,000
Frozen Embryo Trasfer - DKK 10,500
1 Blastocyst guarantee - DKK 52,000
3 Blastocyst guarantee - DKK 84,000
Fast-Track - DKK 67,000
Both programs include:
- Donor search activation
- FREE preliminary consultation
- FREE mandatory blood tests
- FREE freezing and first year of storage of blastocysts
- 1st embryo transfer
Later use of eventual surplus frozen blastocyst(s) = price for a frozen cycle
* When using a known donor, the treatment is fulfilled regardless if there are blastocyst to freeze or not
** Non-refundable regardless of donor match or not
Fertility preservation:
1 stimulation – 1 oocyte pick-up – fertilization - freezing of suitable blastocysts DKK 20,000,-
The treatment is completed regardless if there are suitable blastocysts.
FREE preliminary consultation
FREE mandatory blood tests
FREE freezing and first year of storage of blastocysts
"Social freezing"
Freezing of unfertilized oocytes:
1 Cycle - DKK 22,000
Transfer of thawed oocytes DKK 10,500,-
Free preliminary consultation
Free mandatory blood tests
The pricelist on our website is at all times valid. All prices are exclusive of cost of medicine
Partner Egg Donation (ROPA)
1 stimulation – 1 egg retrieval – 1 embryo transfer
Free initial consultation
Free mandatory blood tests
1 treatment DKK 39,500
1 treatment incl. donor sperm from Maigaard Sperm Bank DKK 43,500
Subsequent use of additional frozen eggs = price for a frozen cycle
A started or discontinued treatment counts from the initial scan.
Family Start Discount
DKK 5,000
Granted for treatment for child No. 1 upon contract purchase.
The patient/couple MUST be evaluated and approved for treatment in the public healthcare system.
The pricelist on our website is at all times valid. All prices are exclusive of cost of medicine